Career page: 5 things you need to take care of

When looking for a new job, candidates rely not only on what the employer says in the offer, but also on what he represents. For this purpose, they check the organization by analyzing publications on company profiles, but mostly on its website. The career page is therefore an essential element in the recruitment process. So if you are looking for specialists to work with, make sure you have a place on the website dedicated to career in your company.

Pro tip #1

Let be discovered

There are many ways to make a career page more attractive, but neither of these practices will work out if your site visibility leaves a lot to be desired.

Make sure that after entering the appropriate words in the search engine, your offer appears, and after it – your career page. The phrases candidates enter most often are “Job (company name)” for well-known brands, and “Job (position name)” in broad searches.

If you are not (yet!) a well-known employer brand, you have to try a little to see your offer as soon as you enter the phrase “Job (position name)”. However, it is possible. To do this, find out what your candidates are looking for and make sure your website and offers are set up so that they can find them. The support of an SEO specialist may be required here.

Career page for your website ready in 1 week! Find out more.

Pro tip #2

Stay consistent

A nice template is not enough. Consistency matters. Therefore, when designing your career page, remember about the visual identity of your brand. It is extremely important to provide candidates with a consistent message.

This is where not only the colors or the fonts count, but also the tonalities, the way you talk to the candidates, and the message itself.


See our career page project for Porsche Inter Auto Polska.

Pro tip #3

Have a mission

Your company’s mission, as well as your brand’s EVP, should resonate with what you post on your website. The values ​​that your organization is guided by are also the values ​​that the candidate wants to know about. He/she needs to check if they fit his/her culture. If they don’t, there is a risk the candidate will go looking for a job elsewhere.

Therefore, don’t be ashamed to speak openly in your communication about what drives your organization, what values ​​it believes in and what it strives for.


Pro tip #4

Take care of easy application

Imagine the following situation: the ideal candidate visits your career page, finds it easily because you took care of step 1. before, and optimized your site to be search friendly. Then he gets familiar with its content – for him you are an employer worth working for. Your organization’s values ​​strongly resonate with what he believes in. Now all he has to do is find current offers. This is where the problem appears.

If your career page isn’t intuitive and doesn’t make navigation easier, the candidate will quickly lose interest and go elsewhere. Therefore, ensure good visibility of your offers on the website. Visible slogans like “Work with us!” or “Join us” will allow you to easily tag your offers.

The application process is also important. It should be as simple as possible. For this reason, consider integration with the ATS system, so it could provide your candidates with a good Candidate Experience. And make the work of your recruiters much easier!

We say more about creating the perfect career page here.

Pro tip #5

Keep users in mind

The user, it means your candidate, is the person for whom we are creating the page and its content. The second one must make it easier for the candidate to navigate and more.

Remember that your website should have all the information that a potential candidate may be looking for. Also, remember to serve him/her in an interesting and varied way. Only this will allow you to keep him/her for longer and increase the chance of the application.

The best practices in the career page design process start with the basics – good setup and SEO. Then there is only commitment and authenticity with which you will build a positive Candidate Experience and increase the number of submitted resumes. To make it easier for you, we have created a tool – a ready career page, which you can implement by yourself in a few days! More information here.

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