Communication with silvers

As we know, by 2030 the number of people over 65 will be 990 million, and the world average of life from 66.7 years in 2000 will reach 74.4 years. This makes the silver economy an important sector of the labor market. Then what should communication with 50+ employees look like?

Who is a silver?

The generation of people over 50 is now an important sector of the labor market. Unfortunately, it is often neglected in marketing activities. The common belief that elder people cannot keep up with the changing world is wrong. Nevertheless, it empowers the perception of silvers as less valuable employees. Meanwhile, it is exactly the opposite!

The stereotype of a man over 50, which disappears at various levels of life – professional, emotional, physical and social – is a myth. The modern aging model looks completely different today than it did years ago. Currently, satisfaction with life after 50 is growing. This can be seen in the way the silvers spend their time:

  • passions
  • courses
  • traveling
  • doing sports
  • dating

According to research, 75% of 65+ people are satisfied with their lives.

Why are silvers valuable employees?

50+ employees  are a group with great potential. Why? Unlike Millennials and Gen Z, they are less likely to change their jobs. This means that the employer will be able to use theier experience without fear that they will go to a competitor.

Another advantage is punctuality, great commitment and accuracy in the activities performed. On the other hand, stereotypes such as the bad communication between older and younger generations and difficulties in learning are offensive myths. They don’t have much in common with reality. This is because both the ability to use the necessary programs, and the silvers’ way of communicating, depend on the employer and his initiative.

Find out more about silvers here.

Communication with silvers: how to do it?

To be successful in communicating with silvers, you should like them genuinely. Fortunately, it’s quite simple as they are very grateful recipients. The silver generation likes it when people aged 50+ are at the center of advertising activities as positive heroes. Any signs of lack of authenticity of the employer brand are immediately sensed by them, as they are extremely sensitive to them.

In contact with the brand, silvers value the respect and sincere interest they are treated with. They don’t like their opinion to be disregarded just because they didn’t grow up in the Social Media world. In these, however, they often find themselves well, as evidenced by the era of silver influencers. Authentic users, imperfect in the way of creating content, but having a significant message.

According to SilverWave, nearly 60% of respondents want to see more people like them in the ads.

If you are recruiting, open up to new opportunities with representatives of the silver generation. This is a valuable asset for any employer, which you will quickly find out when you give them a chance. In order to gain the trust of silvers and attract their attention, it is necessary to create a communication strategy based on their needs. Not sure how to do it? Contact us! Together, we will create communication that will activate 50+ candidates and make you gain valuable employees!

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