Employer brand: how to build it?

The concept of branding is popular and well-known. It is building the brand of a product or service in the eyes of consumers. Currently, this concept is transferred more broadly – to the area of human resource management or building the image of an individual. So what is employer branding? How to build your brand? Read on!

What is an employer brand?

While classic branding is brand awareness, so is the employer’s brand. How our potential candidates or employees perceive us is the employer’s brand. That is why this is is such a wide field. It is divided into external and internal activities. How to start build a positive image in the eyes of candidates? We suggest below.

Employer brand – where to start?

It is worth starting with a few questions that will become the key to further action:

  1. Who is your target?
  2. By what channels do you want to reach it?
  3. What employer branding activities are you already implementing and how do you communicate them?
  4. How do you care, engage and communicate with current employees?
  5. What is the reputation of your company? What opinions does it have?

These are 5 tips you can consider while determining what stage the company is at when it comes to employer branding.

Only by precisely defining the target group we are able to create an appropriate image campaign and select helpful channels for this. It will also be easier to select employer branding activities and undertake those that will affect engaging internal communication. And as a result, they will create the right image of the company and opinions about it!

Employer branding tools

Remember that you need tools that will help you build your company’s image. It is important to have a website where, besides the company’s news and information about it, there will also be a career page. You can read more about what it should look like here!

Take care of internal communication and image-building activities! Organize engaging employer branding campaigns, create e.g. a mobile application for your employees or potential candidates. There are many possibilities!

Employer branding is gaining in importance, especially if we are looking for suitable candidates or want to avoid employee rotation. That is why it is worth taking care of it now. For this purpose, contact us! Together, we will talk about what you need to create an appropriate employer brand and employer branding campaign.

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