Recruitment marketing tools

It’s been known for a while that employer branding is becoming one of the leading elements of the marketing strategy. Why is that? Because we’re dealing with the employee’s market. There is a battle for talents and corporations want to get the best candidates for themselves. Thus, the importance of recruitment marketing is growing, and its assumptions we can implement through appropriate recruitment marketing tools. Read more about them in our article!

Candidates more involved than employers

The fourth edition of the “Candidate Experience” survey conducted by eRecruiter for Friendly Recruitment clearly shows that most companies are aware that an employer branding strategy should be introduced, because only this will ensure the best employees. But while awareness is high, it does not always work in practice. Only 65% ​​of companies maintain constant contact with the candidate during the recruitment process. And only half of them inform the candidate about the reasons for being unemployed or rejected from the process.

During the disturbing indifference of employers and recruiters who spend up to 5 minutes to decide whether they invite a candidate to recruit, the candidates are much more involved. Most of them need over an hour to prepare their application! So their expectations are rising. Candidates want to be taken seriously. That’s why it’s so important to maintain a relationship with them during recruitment. Meanwhile, most recruiters not only forget about contact with the candidate, but also about informing about the end of recruitment or the reasons for being unemployed.

See what other mistakes companies make when recruiting! More here.

Recruitment marketing tools in the organization

If your organization is not ready to develop an employer branding strategy that is much more complex than individual activities, it can start with a few simple rules for recruiting:

  • create engaging content for job offers
  • conduct recruitment with a short response time
  • contact selected candidates who will prove themselves in a given position
  • inform candidates about the recruitment process: provide feedback, not only positive, inform about the reasons for not being employed – it is very important for candidates, because many of them want to define their competences and what they possibly still need to learn
  • use social networks in recruitment activities – it will increase competitiveness on the labor market and reach a much larger number of candidates
  • try to maintain constant relationships with potential candidates – this can be one of the leading reasons for the increase in response to job offers

Appropriate recruitment marketing tools are a must have in creating a positive image of the employer brand. However, in the long term, it is important to implement a comprehensive employer branding strategy. Without this, short-term actions, though effective, may not have the tangible effect of creating an employer brand and a positive Candidate Experience.

If you want to build your employer brand, check out these examples of employer branding activities. If you want to appear in the minds of candidates, you need to implement complete employer branding activities – it’s worth starting today, so as not to be left behind! To do this, contact us! We will be happy to help you create an employer branding strategy tailored to the needs of your organization, as well as support your recruitment with appropriate recruitment marketing tools!

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